This is a beautiful metal that has passed through time beautifully! With her beloved husband included in obverse of the metal, Queen Victoria is with him always. Oval silver and silver gilt medal with green enamel stylized laurel wreath surround and with five-pointed faceted silver star and gilt crown suspension; the face with an oval central silver medallion imposed with the crowned head of Queen Victoria facing left within a beaded border, the gilt cipher'VRI' of Queen and Empress Victoria below; the reverse with a centrally-imposed gilt plaque with the Prince of Wales' Feathers in silver and the ribbons in blue enamel with silver lettering, all within a gilt ring inscribed'ALBERT EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES. Above and dated'JUNE 21 1887' below; on original almost split fragile ribbon with gilt top bar, the face stippled and dated'1837 - 1887', the reverse with pin for wear and with'13th June 1887' bar for attendees at the Grand Lodge Especial Meeting held in celebration of the Golden Jubilee. The Prince of Wales was Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England from 1874 until his accession as King Edward VII in 1901. The Medal was designed by Sir Albert Woods.